Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Glucose test

I had my glucose test yesterday. Dave took the day off and came with me. I had no idea if it would be bad or whatever. It wasn't too bad. I did start to feel lightheaded and started getting a headache because I was so hungry! I hadn't eaten anything yet.
I got the results this afternoon and my numbers were good and I passed!! Yay!! No 3 hour test or gestational diabetes to worry about! She did say my iron was a little low, so more red meat and leafy greens. I have no problem with that!:)
That's about it from here!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on passing the 1-hour!!

Cat's Litterbox said...

Congrats!! That's one less thing to worry and stress about!! Way to go!

Alison said...

Thanks! I am so glad I don't have to stress about that now!!

Moe said...

I am happy to hear that you passed! I get to take mine in less than 4 weeks. Did it taste like flat orange soda? I am curious if they have changed it in 5 years...

To answer your other question, here is a temporary SPAM address that you can use. I can give you the real one via e-mail! You can use tempaddress2009 AT, if you'd like. Have a great night!