Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cloth diapers!!

Awhile back a friend asked to see some pics of my cloth diaper stash. At the time I wasn't ready to go and take pictures. I think I wanted to wait until we were pregnant and we knew what we were having. Now that we know both of those, today I decided to take some pictures. I spent some time in the nursery taking pics of my fluff. I also spent some time looking around, looking through the clothes, and just sitting in the room. I kept thinking, we are having a baby, we are having a baby that we get to bring home, we are having a baby girl. I get to use everything in this room. Sigh....I love the nursery. I have to get used to calling it Charlotte's room and not Moira's room. I don't really like that, but it is what it is right?

Anyway, here are my fluffy pictures!

My prefolds with XS and S covers

XS/NB AIO's and Pockets

Small AIO's and Pockets

All of the smalls, extra smalls/newborns

My kind of yucky looking Kissaluv's fitted diapers.

Cloth wipes

Cloth wipes

All of them! :)

update and baby pictures!!

OK, here is a quick update! We had our ultrasound yesterday. We were in there for an hour!! The tech. was very good!! She checked at least 4 times to make sure baby really is a girl! It was awesome! She checked in the beginning and then towards the end and no little penis popped out, so she is almost 100% sure. My peri happened to be there, so the tech. checked in with her and then she ended up coming in to see us. We were a little worried that she was coming in, but she said everything looks great and there were a few measurements that weren't really clear because baby was moving so much. :) So, she wants me to come back in 4 weeks to check again and make sure baby is growing like she should be. I think she is just being extra careful with us, which is fine with me!
After that, we went to see my OB. She was so happy for us too.

It is looking like we are going with Charlotte Eowyn (A-o-win). Eowyn is from Lord of the Rings, Dave's all time favorite story, movie, etc.! She is a warrior and Dave said this baby girl is his warrior who will come home with us. He is very adamant that we use Eowyn for that reason and I don't want to fight him! Plus, I really like the name. We also like the idea of the nickname Charlie or Charley or something like that for the spelling for Charlotte.

Here are some pics of our little Charlotte!

Baby girl parts!!

Profile picture!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My dream came true!!!

We are having a baby girl!!!!! Dave and I are beyond excited right now!!! Dave knew all along this baby is a girl, but I just didn't want to get my hopes up! The ultrasound tech. checked for us about 3 or 4 times just to make sure. No little penis popped out, and we saw the 3 little lines!! Baby is a girl!!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm being blatantly honest here.......

On Friday the 22nd we have our gender ultrasound. I am so nervous and excited all rolled into one. I am nervous that we are going to have a boy and that I am going to be disappointed at first and once it sets in, I will be fine. I will be fine because we WILL get to bring this baby home and that's all that matters. I am being honest by saying that I really want a girl. I want to give my husband another daughter, a daughter that we get to keep forever and bring home with us. He was so excited when we found out where were having Moira. I have everything ready for a little girl. I am afraid that Moira was our only chance at a daughter.
Boy or girl, we'll be fine. We'll be fine because we are having a baby, another baby, a baby that will bring the smile back and mend our broken hearts just a little. Anyway, so there is my honesty for today! Sigh.....

What's for dinner?

This is what's for dinner tonight! Yummy! Along with some steak tips on the grill.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This was our dinner last night!

Oh my goodness was it awesome!!! :) I have been in the mood to try some different things. I was getting tired of the same old thing. Plus, it's been so cold, so some nice warm comfort foods are great too! It made enough for leftovers and I can take some for lunch for a couple of days as well. Since I am staying away from lunch meats while I am pregnant, I like having different things for lunch. I have a yummy looking macaroni and cheese recipe I am going to try as well to make for me for lunches as well!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

OB apt. and a good friend!

Yesterday I had jury duty and I got released early! I called my OB's office and they were able to get me in earlier because my appointment was originally at 4pm. So, I went to lunch and then headed over to my apt. I was feeling a little anxious because Dave couldn't be there with me and I was so worried they wouldn't be able to find the baby's heartbeat. I guess that is the post-loss mama feelings coming through. So, my blood pressure was a tad bit high, but not really high and my OB wasn't overly concerned. We talked about an amnio in the event that I will have to have one at 37 weeks. I was feeling nervous about it, but she put my mind at ease. I joked with her and told her she is not aloud to be on vacation during the first few weeks of June because she is delivering this baby! I want to come full circle with her and she agreed, she wants to deliver our baby too! :)
She said I can come in again in two weeks when I have my ultrasound. That way she can check my BP and see how I am doing. I just have to say it again, I LOVE my OB!! She is awesome!

Today I was talking to my friend Trinity on Facebook and I was telling her how I was anxious about the nurse not being able to find the baby's heartbeat and how I should just go ahead and buy a doppler. She told me that she has one and she'll send it to me!! I am so grateful to her! That takes away a lot of my fears. Now I just have to hope that I will be able to find baby's heartbeat on my own!!

Tonight for dinner I made this,
Oh my goodness, it was so yummy and Dave loved it too!!

I will leave you now with my new baby bump picture, 16 weeks 1 day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

16 weeks

Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks, approx. 21 weeks left to go!! I have a regular OB appointment tomorrow as well as Jury Duty! Fun stuff! I love seeing my OB.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today I felt the baby give me the tiniest little nudge while I was sitting at lunch! What a nice feeling that was!! Made me feel a little better since I have been so anxious lately. I felt Moira at 14 weeks and I really haven't felt this baby much. I know every baby is different, but when you are a loss mom, every little thing makes you anxious!
At the end of the day, the dull headache I had all day got worse. It was awful! I thought I would pass out. After running to the store for some more Tylenol and paying our mortgage, I came home and went to bed. I put a cold cloth over my head and fell asleep. It feels much better now!!
I had the nurse at school check my BP this morning and it was 117/62! Whoo hoo!
Also today was a little weird. We went to our neighbor's house to pick up the rest of our baby stuff. They had been storing it at their house since I was in the hospital with Moira. Them and two other friends had gone to our house while we were in the hospital and cleaned up all of the baby stuff, the pack and play, swing, bouncy seat, car seat, etc. All of that stuff was out in our house. Not all of it was set up yet, but it was there. Now we have it back. I thought I would be sad, but it felt good to have it all at home. SO, for now it's stored in the nursery. It's so hard to call it the nursery, I pause a lot and call it Moira's room. I mean, it is Moira's room, but it will also be this little baby's room too. So, now I just try to call it the nursery. It's hard. Don't get me wrong, I actually can't wait to have this baby in the nursery. It's beautiful!! I am dying to use it!! I WANT to use it!!
Check out this post, it has a few pictures of it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What is a Rainbow Baby?

People have asked me this question before and I searched and searched all over to find the best meaning I could for a "Rainbow Baby."
This is what I found.....

"Rainbow Babies" is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy and hope.

I think that's a pretty good definition of what a rainbow baby means.

Check out the new digs!

Thank you so much to my online friend Mandy for designing my new blog! It looks great!! :) Starting a new year with a new blog and new hope!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

I feel hopeful today. Hopeful for a better year and that things will start to turn around for us. Today I celebrate my 34th birthday, feeling a little old!! I also am celebrating the new year, as well as my 15th week of pregnancy!! 15 weeks!! Approximately 22 more weeks to go, that is if this baby comes at 37 weeks. If not, it's 23 more weeks. Not too shabby!! 22 weeks sounds a lot shorter than 5 months for some reason.
Today I am doing a whole lot of nothing!! I took a shower and I am sitting in my sweats. That's what I want to do for my birthday. Dave will make me a nice dinner with some good meat we bought at the butcher the other day. We will relax, maybe play some Wii bowling or something, and possibly watch a movie.
That's my day!!

I am also excited because an online friend that I have met is helping me to redesign this blog for the new year and the new baby! So, look for that in the coming week!!

Happy New Year everyone and may your 2010 bring you lots of joy!!