Sunday, March 7, 2010

24 weeks 2 days

Viability! If something were to happen, little Charlotte's chances of living are increasing day by day. Not that I am expecting anything to happen, but you just never know these days. Look at Michelle Duggar and her little girl Josie. I'm feeling good, tired. I think I am more tired this time around, but I guess back to back pregnancies will do that. I am starting to get anxious about getting the house cleaned up and organized. We really let it go after Moira died, so now that we know Charlotte will be here in 3 months, I really want to get it organized!! That would be the nesting instinct settling in for the long haul. Charlotte has been moving more and more. I think I am feeling hiccups too, which I was never quite sure if I felt them with Moira. Baby C really likes to kick mommy's bladder too, which results in more trips to the bathroom.
The other night I was laying in bed watching TV with Dave and I was feeling Charlotte move around. I got the strongest, most overwhelming feeling that everything was going to be OK. I was a little scared and I almost cried, but I just knew it was going to be OK. We are going to bring her home. I already feel like she is more active then Moira, but maybe I just notice more because I know what I am looking for. I don't know......
Spring is in the air around here. The last two days we have opened up our windows and let the house air out. The dusty, yuckiness of winter is leaving the house!! I love when we can open the windows in the house! I hate when it gets too hot to do that and we shut things up and turn on the air! We've done a little cleaning up this weekend. Organized our clothes closet in the computer room, went through stuff we didn't want, and cleaned up all the junk that was accumulating there. Next weekend we work on the guest room. Both rooms had become a catch all for our junk. The guest room needs to have things moved down to our basement to storage and then just cleaned up and aired out! That could take a day or two, we'll see!! I also want to start organizing some things in the nursery, but I think about it and then I feel anxious about it. I think I am a little afraid to really make it Charlotte's nursery, but I know that I need to. I am planning to take away a couple of things and add a few things to make it hers. I still have time, but I also really want to get working on it too. My mom is going to buy me a few things at IKEA to add to the room that match our theme. I can't wait to get them!! My parents will bring them out when they come for Charlotte's arrival!

OK here I am today at 24 weeks 2 days

And just for comparison sake, here I am at 25 weeks 1 day pregnant with Moira.


melissa said...

you look great!!

Andrea said...

My heart is full of JOY for you :)

I'm glad you are feeling peaceful.

Mackenzie's Mommy said...

So happy for you! And you look beautiful! Wishing nothing but the best for you and Charlotte <3

Holly said...

I know I always feel a little relieved once I reach 24 wks. I'm glad you are there!