Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, we checked out the daycare today. Not my favorite thing to have to send our daughter to daycare, but even with paying for it, we still need the extra money I bring home, especially to pay the mortgage. It's a home daycare that is right behind the high school where Dave is working and I am across the street from Dave at the junior high. The woman runs it with her mother and the woman's daughter works with Dave at the high school. A lot of the teachers use her and LOVE her. One of my biggest things, was hoping that she will be OK with cloth diapers. She was totally cool and so laid back about it! It was great!!! I told her I am planning on breast feeding and hoping to be able to keep it up with pumping. That is my goal. I know it is going to be hard, but I am willing to do it. It's a small place, but they don't take on anymore than 10 kids, but they aren't all there at once, which makes me feel good. The youngest baby they have now is 10 months old, but by September will be 18 months. There is another woman that Dave works with who is due a month before me and she was looking at the daycare as well and wanting to start in September as well. Our two would be the youngest two there and I think she is planning on doing cloth diapers too. She had asked me about it and I sent her tons of information.

I think that's about it.........for now!


Anonymous said...

Look at you go! You're going to make me feel so unprepared; give me a complex, lol. I only kid, promise. But it sounds like a great place, and a great option. How awesome that she's OK with what's important to you (the cloth diapering, breastfeeding/pumping). I would love to stay at home, but the stress the PG is putting us into financially already may mean I have to. We do what we have to do, right?

Alison said...

That was one thing that was nagging at me, figuring out daycare. I am glad it's figured out now and I am so happy about the cloth diapers and breastfeeding. Now it's time to figure out a pediatrician. Our new favorite line these days, is "we'll figure it out!" Things are going to be tight and money is going to be hard, and I really would rather stay home, but can't. So, "we'll figure it out."

Anonymous said...

I know the "we'll figure it out" stance. That's how we are on everything right now. If Rob wasn't Air Force, the answer would be simple. Baby would just see the family doctor I have been seeing since I was born. That idea doesn't work so well when we're halfway across the country. All in due course.

Melissa Fiske said...

daycare is stressful but if you find the right place, which it sounds like you have, it is a blessing when you have to work! i was blessed to keep mikayla with her grandmothers and aunt for the first few months and didnt have to find daycare until september but we have a WONDERFUL daycare provider (also a home daycare) and LOVE it! being in early intervention, i get to see lots and lots of daycares which completely scared me, until i found the one we use! as far as pediatricians, we go to worcester pediatric associates (the office is located inside st. v's hospital) and havent had any big complaints yet- all the doctors are really nice and accept new patients- OH, and breastfeeding while working is tough but sooo worth it if you can keep up with it! when mikayla started her daycare i was able to go nurse during the day which was awesome!